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 Creating a self-reliant community
Most refugees in Uganda live below the poverty line and with great uncertainty about whether their food needs can be met. They are completely dependent from the World Food Program (WFP). Refugees receive USD 6 (approx. NOK 50) per person in food allowance each month.

The biggest problem for many refugees is a lack of knowledge and skills, high rate of unemployment, lack of start-up capital and land to start or expand economic opportunities to make a decent living.
P4T has the vision of creating a self-reliant community and this is done through the intervention of building livelihood opportunities for the local communities to create their own jobs instead of seeking job or dependence .
When parents live in poverty, their children suffer. Without a source of income, they are unable to provide vital pay school fees, medicine, food, and Clothing. We help refugees and host community escape the cycle of poverty, through a range of vocational skills training in tailoring machines, carpentry, computer, bakery, hair dressing, craft work, soap making. Financial and entrepreneurial skills is also taught, and we equip them with the skills they need to earn a sustainable income.

We support and encourage community savings and loans groups to invest for the future and set up small businesses. With your support, we strive to empower refugees to build strong social and economic community, and to strengthen their capacity to lead independent and fulfilling lives.

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