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With over 1.4 million refugees, Uganda is the country with the third largest number of refugees in the world and the largest in Africa. The refugees come from some of the worst conflicts in the world. More than 60% are children. Most of these have fled brutal conflicts and have witnessed horrific violence or lost family and friends. The schools are overcrowded, which results in many not getting the education they are entitled to. At the same time, 25% of children of primary school age and 86% of young people of upper secondary school age have no schooling at all. (UNHCR 2020).

In Kyangwali refugee camp alone, there are 113,000 refugees, of whom 82% are women and children and over 50% of children are of school age. Only 17172 children went to school in 2018 (UNCHR 2018). Children have a long way to go to school, lack access to food and psychosocial assistance programs due to lack of financial opportunities, or dependence on the World Food Program where each family receives only 8 USD (approx. 65 kroner) per person per month for food.

P4T Uganda has achieved a lot with its work here, but there are many more who need help and assistance. Below you can read more about what we can achieve with your support.


Here you can find out more about how you can make a difference in the lives of refugees. Your support is valuable, and only small amounts can have a big effect.

A monthly gift to us will be of great help with our work with children and families affected by war and conflict. By donating to P4TNorge every month, you will give refugees education, protection and job opportunities for a better future. As little as 50 kroner can make a big difference!

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Help a child getting
an education

It is estimated that 19% of refugee children at primary school level have a higher age than the school level would indicate. This is due to lack of schooling and language problems. 60% of primary school children in Kyangwali do not have access to education, have had to leave or have never started. Education is the key to giving girls and boys the knowledge and skills to live productive, fulfilling and independent lives.

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Give a family a
better life

Due to a high level of illiteracy, extreme poverty, unemployment, and vulnerable people, P4T works to provide education and training to enable people in society to create their own jobs and better income opportunities.

Limited financial opportunities and dependence on the World Food Program where each person receives $ 8 (approximately 65 kroner) per month for food makes it difficult to have funds for other things a family needs.


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Support our nursery and school

The schools are overcrowded, which leads to many students dropping out. The student / teacher rate is as high as 1: 200 compared to the authorities' standard of 1:53. This leads to uncertain learning and a troubled environment.

Building good and safe classrooms means that more students will receive an education, and the chance of premature marriage and pregnancy as well as students dropping out is reduced. Not least, the teacher gets more time for the students when the class is smaller.

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We want to make everyday life safer for children

Uganda is home to more than 1.4 million refugees and 60% of these are children, including many who have experienced sexual abuse, who have come alone or have escaped from their families in need of protection.

40% of girls in Uganda get married before the age of 18, and 10% of them before the age of 15. Around 35% of girls drop out of school because of this, while 23% drop out due to pregnancy.


Do you want to become a sponsor of one of our children in the Kyangwali Refugee Settlement? There are many children who need a little extra assistance and help, and not least follow-up from our skilled people.

By becoming a sponsor, you help not only the child but also the family and the surrounding community. Contact us if you want to contribute by becoming a sponsor, and feel free to tell us a little about yourself.

Below you can find answers to some questions you may have about becoming a sponsor.

We look forward to hearing from you! :)

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Here you can find the answers to the most common questions about sponsorship
If you have other questions please contact us on e-mail


Your donations are used to meet the greatest needs of your sponsored child's community. It could be education, nourishing food, medication, protection, psychosocial support or accommodation.

By donating, you also help keep children safe while getting them ready to participate in shaping their own future. To successfully tackle child vulnerability, it’s important to deal with both symptoms and cause.

your support is what enables us to overcome these barriers and help children reach their God-given potential.


Your sponsored child will experience a fuller, happier, healthier and safer life.Regular monitoring lets us check their progress and intervene appropriately when necessary.Your messages bring them hope and happiness, and learning to read those messages increases their skills and builds confidence.

It’s not only their physical safety—we provide the safe, nurturing space for them to explore, develop and grow spiritually. Their hopes and dreams become a reality as they watch their community transform into a healthier and safer place. Children are built to become great leaders and change markers.


Because together, we can make a real difference! If you're considering sponsorship, you already want to help change lives. Sponsorship makes it possible for you to give vulnerable children fuller lives and better futures.

You'll see the transformation for yourself through regular updates while you build an enjoyable personal connection with a child who needs you.

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