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The children is tutored and learning the numbers at P4T Nursery and Primary School


 Providing quality education to build a sustainable young generation with knowledge and skills.
Education is a basic human right that should be afforded to all .Education may not be denied to any child, including in the circumstances that make him or her a refugee.
Uganda is home to 1.5 million refugees, which 60% are children, forced to flee from conflict and war in the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Burundi, Somalia, and Rwanda leaving behind their homes, livelihoods, and education.
Schools are often dangerously overcrowded by over 200 children per class attended to by one teacher and lack basic resources, lack feeding, children walk long distances to school, lack of psychosocial support and living in extremely poverty only dependency on World Food Programme with only $6 USD per head in the family monthly for food and As a result, the quality of learning is often poor.
Education is the foundation of a child’s future, yet millions of children in Uganda – especially in the poorest areas – are being left behind.
We aim to ensure children have a quality learning environment by providing refresh training for teachers and education officials; pay school staff’s salaries, working with communities to increase parental engagement; building infrastructure such as classrooms, libraries and latrines; and providing school furniture such as desks, chairs, provide scholastic and teaching materials and provision of sanitation and hygiene facilities.

Early Childhood Development (ECD)/ Pre-Primary Education.


Early Childhood Development (ECD) is an investment for life. 90 percent of brain development takes place before a child’s fifth birthday, and children who participate in ECD get a head start in their emotional and cognitive development, are more likely to do well in school and become productive adults. ECD is however not accessible by more than two-third of children in Uganda and especially those in refugee settlements.


We aim to ensure that underprivileged girls and boys aged 2-6 years have access to holistic and inclusive Early Childhood Development which is a very important foundation for mental, social, and spiritual development of a child in the early ages of their life, lack of which can lead to late start in joining school, retardation in learning and antisocial behaviors. P4T started providing quality ECD in 2015 for refugees and Ugandan infants. Each year, we conduct graduation ceremony for children completing Early Childhood Development (ECD)/pre-school education and prepare them to join primary education.


Primary Education


The school is community-owned; started and led by refugees so that refugee children and vulnerable Ugandan children have access to quality education.

P4T is providing quality primary education for refugees and Ugandan infants from age 6 years to 17 years old. P4T Primary school started in 2016 the lower primary classes with only 30 children but today we educate over 500 children. On the 21st February 2018, P4T Primary School was licensed with the Ministry of Education and Sport with license number ME/P/9478. We believe in the power of education to prepare refugees for a brighter future. “Refugee children, future leaders”, says Bienvenu Byamungu, Co- founder and Global Director of P4T.


We have educated over 1200 children in primary education since 2015, have registered 44 finalists at the Uganda National Examinations Board and we prepare students to transition effectively into secondary school and have over 571 children attending school our primary and ECD.


P4T Education is unique where all the children receive two meals a day to keep them in school. We have school computers that allows the children to acquire computer skills, access online studies. We also provide on-campus accommodation to primary six and candidate students and we hope to establish accommodation for orphaned, unaccompanied minors and other vulnerable children in order to access education.


P4T mission is to provide quality education to build a sustainable young generation with knowledge and skills.

Community Based School Feeding Program:

P4T provides 2 hot meal every day to the children to make sure they stay in school

School Feeding to increase enrollment and retention of refugee children in school in Uganda.

Malnutrition is real in our community, yet a hungry child cannot concentrate in class. Our idea is to increase enrollment and retention of refugee children in schools in Kyangwali refugee settlement by engaging children, teachers and parents. The project benefits both refugee and host community children who have struggled in class because of lack of midday school meals both in ECD/Nursery and primary school children. Early malnutrition can adversely affect physical, mental, and social aspects of child health, which in turn leads to underweight, stunted growth, lowered immunity, and mortality.
P4T support school to provide hot meals to the children during break and lunch times. The purpose of this program is to fight hunger in school to reduce absenteeism, and school dropouts, ulcers, and malnutrition, while improving enrollment and concentration in class as well as excellence in academic performance. P4T has provided hot meals for the last 6 years; 320,000+ meal days to over 1,200 children and 110 school staff.
Extra co-curricular activities
Our children participate in a wide variety of co-curricular activities where they also compete with other schools in refugee settlements and host community in Uganda. The activities include Music dance and Drama, Culture club, debating, netball, football and volleyball and other games and plays. Our children have performed well from local to national best in athletics, football, and volleyball . Some of the children have been sponsored in order to attend other secondary school as the result of their talents.
Secondary Scholarship Program
There is only 1 secondary school in Kyangwali and over 80% of refugee children are not able to afford to pay for their primary, secondary and college school and 86% of refugee secondary school students are out of school in Uganda. When they do not join secondary school, their dreams are shattered. The girls get married off at tender age or are introduced into prostitution by peers while the boys engage in child labor and most of them get lost in drug and alcohol abuse at puberty. 40 percent of girls in Uganda are married before the age of 18. Around 10 percent of these girls are married before the age of 15. Around 35% of girls drop out due to marriage and 23% drop out due to pregnancy.
In contrast, allowing girls and boys to continue through secondary education significantly reduces the chances of early marriage and childbearing. Yet without a secondary education, young people who should be embracing an important phase of growth, development and opportunity, instead face huge risks. Denying them a secondary education is like removing an entire section of a bridge that leads to their futures – the bridge to better financial prospects, greater independence and great leaders to create positive change in their own community.
P4T plans to start a secondary school to absorb a big number of children who are not able to join secondary school because of high tuition and lack of secondary schools in Kyangwali Refugee Settlement. We have already secured 2 acres of land to construct a Secondary school in Kyangwali refugee settlement that will provide quality secondary education to both refugees and Ugandan children. Education empowers by giving refugees the knowledge and skills to live productive, fulfilling and independent lives.
Technology and Innovation in Education
All schools in Uganda were closed for almost 2 years due to Covid-19 lockdown and millions of pupils were sent back home, including refugee children.
We explore new ways of using technology to improve the quality education of refugee, such as locally creative designed, sustainable and technology such as 5 STA-Z Board Game and Computer learning which teach children basic numeracy and literacy. The 5 STA-Z is a fast-paced collaborative and competitive game summarizing the Ugandan Education primary curriculum in a game play. It is an innovation of My Home Stars, a grass root social innovation academic platform, exploring the concept of game-based learning within Sub-Saharan Africa.
5 STA-Z Board Game was introduced at P4T Nursery and Primary School during COVID-19 lockdown to help in promoting access to Learning for 400 students. The program has ensured continued learning and protection for children who would have been loitering in the community. The 5 STA-Z game is generational innovation that will transform the way children learn and revise.
The computer is installed and loaded with learning content such as English, Mathematic, Social studies, science and Child rights, as approved by the Ugandan National Curriculum Development Centre. This will empower children with life skills on how to promote Computer skills and also enhancing literacy and numeracy skills.

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